Doctor pick
Evolutionary dental pick for the Asian market
Dental picks that are connected, like those commonly found in Europe and America are unfamiliar to Japanese consumers. We had to develop a more familiar type of triangular pick. We did this to increase customer awareness not only in Japan but in other Asian countries as well. So we came up with a unique design. An individual round stem with a triangular point, this design retains the familiarity of the round cocktail stick while providing the benefit of the Dental Pick. As we were the first to come up with this design, our customers call it (Japan pick). This triangular toothpick is for interdental cleaning and massage after meals.
The spatula side scrubs off the plaque on the surface especially along the boundary between the teeth and gums.
In line with a growing demand for gum disease prevention we developed and evolved our Dental Pick into our Doctor Pick. We are able to individual wrap our Doctor Picks so they can be used by restaurants or ship in bulk without being individually wrapped.
We use birch wood from Hokkaido to produce our Doctor Picks.